Charging an E-bike Battery with a Power Bank and Power Station

In a time where electric mobility is becoming increasingly popular, the electric bike (e-bike) has become one of the most beloved forms of transportation. With the ability to cover long distances with minimal effort, it's no wonder that more and more people are opting for this environmentally friendly and convenient way of traveling. But what if your battery is empty and there's no outlet nearby? In this blog, we'll answer all your questions about charging your e-bike battery with a Power Bank or Power Station.

Can you charge your electric bike battery with a Power Bank?

The short answer is no. A regular Power Bank does not deliver enough power to efficiently charge the battery of an electric bike. However, Xtorm offers an alternative solution in the form of their Power Stations. A Power Station is essentially a large Power Bank with an outlet, which does provide enough power to quickly and efficiently charge the battery of an e-bike.

How does charging an e-bike battery with a Power Station work?

As mentioned earlier, you can easily charge the battery of your electric bike with a Power Station. Charging an e-bike battery with a Power Station works in a similar way to charging via a regular outlet. A Power Station acts as a portable outlet with sufficient power to quickly and efficiently charge the battery of an electric bike. Simply connect the charger of your e-bike to the outlet of the Power Station, and the battery will be charged as usual.

Which Power Station do I need to charge the battery of my electric bike?

Xtorm offers a range of Power Stations with different battery capacities and output levels to meet the needs of various e-bikes.


Battery capacity (with efficiency correction)

Max output


238,85 Wh



521,90 Wh



1065,90 Wh



To fully charge an e-bike using a Power Station, the battery capacity of the e-bike battery must be lower than that of the Power Station. Battery capacity (Wh) indicates how much energy a battery can store and requires to be fully charged.

Additionally, the minimum input required by your e-bike battery should also be lower than the max output of the Power Station, otherwise the charging process may become time-consuming.

Below, we have listed the average battery capacity and minimum input for each type of electric bike, so you can determine which Xtorm Power Station you need.


Battery capacity

Minimum input required 

Electric City Bike

300Wh – 500Wh

50W – 100W

Electric Mountain Bike

400Wh - 700Wh

100W – 200W

Electric Folding Bike

200Wh - 400Wh

500W – 100W

Electric Cargo Bike

400Wh - 700Wh

100W – 200W

Elektric Fat Bike

500Wh - 750Wh

100W – 200W

Electric Hybrid Bikes

300Wh - 600Wh

50W – 100W

Speed Pedelec

500Wh - 750Wh

100W – 200W

Electric Gravel Bike

400Wh - 600Wh

100W – 200W

Please note that these estimates are based on averages. The battery capacity and minimum input may vary per e-bike. Therefore, it's advisable to consult the manual of your e-bike before purchasing a Power Station.

Xtorm Power Stations Series

How many times can I charge the battery of my electric bike with a Power Station?

The number of times you can charge the battery of an electric bike with an Xtorm Power Station depends on the capacity of both the e-bike battery and the Power Station. In our blog "How many times can I charge my devices with a Power Bank or Power Station" we explain exactly how to calculate this easily. If you need further assistance, feel free to contact our customer service.

Is it safe to charge my e-bike battery with a Power Station?

Yes, charging your e-bike battery with a Power Station is safe. Xtorm Power Stations are designed with safety as the highest priority and have passed the 6 certified safety layers of the Xtorm Safety Check. They feature built-in safety functions such as auto-power management, a cooling system, and overload protection, which are automatically activated when needed. With these features, you can confidently charge your e-bike battery with a Power Station.

What else can I use an Xtorm Power Station for?

Xtorm Power Stations are not only suitable for charging e-bike batteries; you can also use them to charge various electronic devices. With their large capacity and various connection options, they can charge almost all electronic devices, such as smartphones, laptops, cameras, drones, coolers, and lamps. Whether you're on a road trip, camping in nature, or just sitting in your backyard, a Power Station is an ideal gadget to power your devices when there's no outlet nearby.

In summary, with Xtorm Power Stations, you never have to worry about an empty e-bike battery again. With their powerful output, portability, and reliability, they offer an ideal solution for charging electric bikes and all your other electronic devices.

Xtorm Power Stations

Centrale électrique portable Xtreme - 500W - 192.000 mAh Centrale électrique portable Xtreme - 500W - 192.000 mAh
XP500-G Centrale électrique portable Xtreme - 500W - 192.000 mAh

+ 2x Free EU Converter

€399,00 €749,00
Avez-vous déjà souhaité avoir accès à une prise secteur même lorsque vous n’êtes pas chez vous ? Avec la Xtorm Portable Power Station 500, vous avez accès à deux puissantes prises secteur qui fournissent 500 W où que vous soyez. Grâce à sa capacité élevée de 612 Wh, vous pouvez alimenter presque tout !Des batteries qui ont une durée de vie 4 fois plus longueCette Power Station utilise un nouveau type de cellules de batterie, le LiFePO4. Ces cellules ont un gros avantage par rapport aux modèles Li-ion standard, à savoir leur durée de vie beaucoup plus longue. Alors que les cellules Li-ion ordinaires ont une longévité de la batterie d’environ 500 cycles*, les cellules LiFePO4 en atteignent 2000. C’est 4 fois plus que la plupart des autres Power Stations ! Rechargez 33% plus vite avec X-ChargeX-Charge vous permet de combiner deux entrées d’alimentation pour charger rapidement votre station d’alimentation. C’est aussi simple que de connecter deux sources d’entrée : Le chargeur mural, et l’entrée USB-C PD. Lorsque les deux entrées sont connectées, X-Charge est automatiquement activé - rechargez complètement votre bloc d’alimentation 33% plus rapidement ! Sélection de ports polyvalente – Disposez toujours de la puissance dont vous avez besoinLa Power Station dispose de 5 types différents de ports de sortie, de sorte que vous ayez toujours celui dont vous avez besoin. Elle dispose non seulement de deux puissantes prises secteur qui fournissent 500 W, mais également d’un chargeur de voiture 12 V de 120 W, d’une entrée/sortie USB-C de 60 W, de 3 sorties USB normales et même de 2 sorties 60 W CC de 5,5 mm. La recharge facilitéeRechargez la Power Station avec de l’énergie solaire, un chargeur mural ou même depuis votre voiture – tout est possible grâce aux câbles fournis. Le moyen le plus rapide de la recharger est d’utiliser un panneau solaire de 200 W, comme nos panneaux solaires Xtorm XPS200.Une puissance extrême - n’importe oùQue vous alliez camper, que vous fassiez une excursion en voiture ou que vous voyagiez simplement n’importe où loin de chez vous, vous avez toujours besoin de suffisamment d’énergie pour alimenter tous vos appareils. Smartphones, appareils photo, ordinateurs portables, drones ou même glacière ; rien n’est trop fou pour cette Power Station portable. Combinez-la avec un panneau solaire et vous serez en mesure de vous déconnecter complètement du réseau électrique, sans avoir à abandonner les appareils dont vous ne pouvez pas vous passer.*Un cycle de la batterie correspond à une charge complète, de 0 à 100 %. Il peut également être divisé en plusieurs recharges plus petites.
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